Thank you for your coverage of U.S. Soccer and the U.S. National Teams. Please familiarize yourself with the information and policies in this document so that your coverage of the U.S. National Teams is conducted in the most efficient manner possible. These guidelines and policies are enforced by the U.S. Soccer Communications Department. If you have questions about the policies listed here, please do not hesitate to contact U.S. Soccer Communications at communications@ussoccer.org or 312-808-1300.

Live Shot Guidelines (PDF) - Applicable to Rights Holders and Non-Rights Holders

Professional Conduct


Media credentials are issued with the purpose of providing access to interviews and written, audio and visual accounts of the game as appropriate. Media members should not use access for autographs, personal photographs or commercial requests.

Media credentialed for access to shoot photographs and video are expected to use professional equipment to file photographic or video accounts. Use of equipment such as ‘point and shoot’ style cameras or mobile telephones that are not considered professional equipment will result in access being restricted or rescinded.


Press Releases: To be added to the U.S. Soccer media distribution list, please submit your request by completing the U.S. Soccer Media Distribution List Request Form. 

Media Guides: To request a current media guide for the U.S. Men’s or Women’s National Team, please send an email request to communications@ussoccer.org. A digital version of the Men’s and Women’s National Team’s media guides can be found on the Media Guide page.

Interview Requests: Media requesting interviews with U.S. National Team players, coaches or administrators should make arrangements with the U.S. Soccer Communications Department or the onsite press officer with the respective team. When requesting and conducting interviews, media should identify the organization that they are representing, and provide advance notice if audio or video will be recorded for later distribution. All audio and video interviews are subject to U.S. Soccer’s Video Guidelines, which are included in this document.

ussoccer.com: Is the official website of the U.S. Soccer Federation. All press releases – content that includes a dateline are posted on ussoccer.com, and can be republished by media in their entirety. U.S. Soccer press releases are available in Spanish. Media interested in receiving press releases in Spanish can send an email request to communications@ussoccer.org.

Video: Media are welcome to embed videos that appear on ussoccer.com. Visit youtube.com/ussoccerdotcom and http://www.ussoccer.com/stories for the latest U.S. Soccer-produced videos.

Audio, Video Roll & Interviews: U.S. Soccer periodically sends out video and audio media rolls from National Team events for outlets to use free of charge, provided they properly credit video as; Courtesy of U.S. Soccer/Veritone. If you’d like to sign up for the email list that distributes these media rolls, please email communications@ussoccer.org with Media Roll in the subject line.

Twitter: U.S. Soccer provides updates at www.twitter.com/ussoccer that include breaking news and new content posted to ussoccer.com. Media are welcome to re-tweet @ussoccer, @ussoccer_wnt, @ussoccer_comms and @ussoccer_ynt content, including play-by-play accounts.


Head Shots: U.S. Soccer maintains head and shoulder portraits of select U.S. National Team players and coaches that can be requested by emailing communications@ussoccer.org or calling 312-808-1300.

Action Photography: For action photos, please contact Chefik Simo at Getty Images at chefik.simo@gettyimages.com. Getty Images serves as the photography manager for U.S. Soccer. Media outlets can also search and preview the photography archive at gettyimages.com.



Policies: In addition to the policies listed below, please note that only working media will be credentialed and no one under the age of 18 will be issued a credential without prior arrangements being made.

Applications: Media can request credentials for matches online at http://www.ussoccer.com/about/media-services/credentials. The online application process can be found by clicking on the Media Services link in the footer on the front page of ussoccer.com. Media can also contact U.S. Soccer Communications with questions on the application process directly by e-mail communications@ussoccer.org or by phone at 312-808-1300.

Deadlines: The deadline to apply for credentials to U.S. Soccer events is generally one (1) week prior to the game. Late applications are not guaranteed to be reviewed or accepted.

Pickup: U.S. Soccer will distribute credential pickup times prior to each game. Credential pickup times generally coincide with media availabilities. For pickup on the day of the game, Media Will Call at the stadium will open approximately two (2) hours before kickoff for WNT and MNT matches. Each media member must show identification in order to receive their credential. An individual cannot pick up more than one credential.

Credential Shipping: If you would like single-game credentials and parking passes (subject to availability) to be shipped, please provide a UPS or FedEx account number at least two (2) weeks prior to the game. Replacement parking passes cannot be provided if lost in transit.

All Matches Credential Holders: All media provided an All Matches credential must still submit a credential application for each individual event to ensure a space in the press box. The credential application deadline still applies.


Media facilities, including the press box and photographers’ work area, will open approximately two (2) - three (3) hours before each game.

Press Box: All seats will be assigned. Auxiliary seating arrangements will be made if the capacity of the press box is exceeded.

Photographer Work Room: Where available, a photographer work room will be available at field level.

Internet: Wireless Internet access will be provided to media.

Game Notes & Media Guides: Game notes will be distributed electronically to approved media prior to each match and will also be available on ussoccer.com. Media guides will be made available upon request and digital versions are available online at ussoccer.com (link here).

Lineups: Official lineups are made available approximately one (1) hour prior to kickoff. Lineups, which include jersey numbers for each team, will be distributed to the media as quickly as possible.


There is no pre-game access to U.S. Soccer players and coaches on game days. No “flash” interviews are permitted on the field. All post-game access is available in the press conference and mixed zone.

Press Conference: There will be a formal press conference with the head coach shortly after the final whistle. In the event something changes a member of the U.S. Soccer communications staff will inform the media.

Mixed Zone: Locker rooms are not open to the media at U.S. Soccer events. All post-game interviews will be conducted in a press conference or mixed zone. Players from both teams will typically be available in the mixed zone. The media mixed zone will generally be near the locker rooms.


Live Blogging / Commentary: Live blogging of U.S. Soccer events from either the venue or via the television broadcast is subject to our Live Blogging Guidelines. The guidelines are included in Appendix II of this document.

Video: Please notify U.S. Soccer in advance if your coverage includes video recording. Any video footage, including interviews, gathered by print and online media is subject to the U.S. Soccer Video Guidelines. The Video Guidelines are included in Appendix I of this document.

Audio: Please notify U.S. Soccer in advance if your coverage includes audio recording. Any audio, including interviews, gathered by radio, print and online media is subject to the U.S. Soccer Audio Use Guidelines. The guidelines are included in Appendix III of this document.


Non-rights-holding radio journalists are welcome to conduct pre‑game and post‑game reports from the press box, but NO play-by-play reports are permitted. Radio non-rights-holders will have access to post-match press conference and mixed zones unless otherwise notified. Radio outlets interested in purchasing rights should contact U.S. Soccer at 312-808-1300.

Audio: Any audio, including interviews, gathered by radio, print and online media is subject to the U.S. Soccer Audio Use Guidelines. The guidelines are included in Appendix III of this document.


Print, online and radio writers and reporters are not permitted on the field at any time. Media members granted field access must have a working purpose. Representatives from the broadcast media who are not filing reports, but would like to attend as an observer, should inform U.S. Soccer of such when making the application.


Locations: Still photographers are permitted to shoot U.S. Soccer events from behind the field sign boards in either end line. At events where space allows, photographers may also shoot on the sideline opposite the benches between the end line and the 18-yard line. Shooting from the 18-yard line will be allowed on a match-by-match basis depending on space. The attacking direction of the teams is determined by a coin toss. Following the coin toss, photographers must pick one end of the field to shoot for the entire half. The ONLY time photographers may change ends is at halftime. At NO time are photographers allowed on the field of play.

Photo Marshals: U.S. Soccer will use photo marshals to assist on-field media. Photo marshals can assist with providing lineups/rosters, distributing bibs and assist with questions on location and other topics. Photographers are required to follow all instructions of the photo marshals.

Bibs: All still photographers are required to wear a colored bib as provided by U.S. Soccer. The bib is lightweight and designed to be worn outside of outerwear and be visible at all times. Please return the bibs to a photo marshal following the game, or leave them in the press box / photographers’ work room.

Pre-Game Photos: Each team’s starters will pose for a pre-game photo near the bench area following the national anthems. Photographers should gather in the near-side corners once the teams leave the field after warm-ups. U.S. Soccer will escort the photographers to midfield.

Field Watering: The grounds crew may water the field prior to warm-ups and also prior to kickoff. Please be responsible for your equipment during this time. U.S. Soccer is not responsible for damage to any equipment.

Non-Rights Holder Video (ENG)

Video Footage: All non-rights holders and ENG crews must follow the U.S. Soccer Video Guidelines for all footage gathered at events. The Video Guidelines are included in Appendix I of this document.

TV Reporters: ENG reporters may stay on the field until one (1) hour prior to kickoff to shoot ‘scene sets,’ and are not allowed on the field again until thirty (30 minutes after the conclusion of the game. Reporters/anchors will not be issued a bib.

Location: ENG cameras are permitted to shoot U.S. Soccer events from behind the field sign boards of either end line. The attacking direction of the teams is determined by a coin toss. Following the coin toss, ENG cameras must pick one end of the field to shoot for the entire half. The ONLY time ENG crews may change ends is at halftime. At NO time are any media members allowed on the field of play.

Photo Marshals: U.S. Soccer will use photo marshals to assist on-field media. Photo marshals can assist with providing lineups/rosters, distributing bibs and assist with questions on location and other topics. ENG crews are required to follow all instructions of the photo marshals.

Bibs: All ENG camera operators and ENG producers are required to wear a colored bib as provided by U.S. Soccer. The bib is lightweight and designed to be worn outside of outerwear and be visible at all times. Please return the bibs to a photo marshal following the game, or leave them in the press box / photographers’ work room.

Field Watering: The grounds crew may water the field prior to warm-ups and also prior to kickoff. Please be responsible for your equipment during this time. U.S. Soccer is not responsible for damage to any equipment.

Live Newscasts: Please contact U.S. Soccer in advance of the event if you would like to broadcast live pre or post-game as part of a newscast from the stadium.


U.S. Soccer will not generally credential media looking to cover a U.S. Soccer event only for social media purposes. This means someone looking to provide coverage of a match for social media sites not limited or restricted to; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., will be considered for a press credential on a case basis but in most cases will not be accommodated for a press credential.

Social Media Reporting: U.S. Soccer permits credentialed reporters to report on behalf of their media organizations through social media channels or personal accounts. U.S. Soccer permits pictures to be taken from the press box for social media reporting purposes but prohibits the collection of any type of video from the press box. Doing so may result in revocation of press credentials.


Video Footage: All rights to match footage including all applicable copyrights belong to U.S. Soccer and its rights holders who broadcast each specific match. U.S. Soccer has three rights holders that will broadcast their Men’s and Women's National Team matches: Warner Bros Discovery, Telemundo and audio rights holder Futbol de Primera. If an organization is interested in recording video footage at a U.S. Soccer match for non-news gathering purposes they should contact U.S. Soccer Communications at communications@ussoccer.org.


Game Action: Television broadcasters can use footage of U.S. Soccer events obtained either via 1) their own recording or 2) action dubbed from a U.S. Soccer rights holder broadcast with credit only in connection with its regularly scheduled news programming within a week of the game. This footage should not exceed two (2) minutes. Highlights aired as part of a continuous news program should not be longer than one (1) minute per 30-minute segment.

Filming – Game Action: For televised events, non-rights holders / ENG cameras may record the first 15 minutes of each half (from 00:00 to 15:00 and 45:00 to 60:00 on the game clock). For non-televised events, non-rights holders / ENG cameras may record the entire game but are still subject to the aforementioned limits. This includes events that are web streamed live online.

Filming – Interviews and Scene Sets: There is no limit to the gathering of footage pre-game, at halftime and post-game. All footage gathered is subject to the usage guidelines indicated in this document.

Filming – In Seating Area: Video cameras looking to shoot in the concourse or seating area must contact U.S. Soccer in advance of the event for approval.

Previews or Advances: In advance of a U.S. Soccer event, television broadcasters can use two (2) minutes of archival game action to preview an upcoming event. In the local/regional markets, broadcasters should mention the time and location of the game along with their report. Outside of the local markets, broadcasters should mention the time and broadcast information.

Television Broadcasters’ Web Sites: Video produced for air as part of regular programming that is simulcast or archived online must be accompanied by a link to ussoccer.com. Content produced exclusively for the Internet is subject to the guidelines for Online Video.

U.S. Soccer Video Dept. Audio and Video Roll: U.S. Soccer periodically sends out video and audio media rolls from National Team events for outlets to use free of charge, provided they properly credit video as; Courtesy of U.S. Soccer/Veritone. If you’d like to sign up for the email list that distributes these media rolls, please email communications@ussoccer.org with Media Roll in the subject line.


Game Action: Online organizations (including print publications that post video online) are not permitted to film or use game action video at any time. Game action includes any footage of the field, teams, etc., following the beginning of the television broadcast window. Only video of off-field activities (i.e. interviews, training sessions) may be recorded.

Non-Game Video: Any video posted online that is recorded as part of media access is limited to the use of eight (8) minutes per day/activity date. Online video may not incorporate integrated advertising and must be accompanied by links to ussoccer.com.

Professional Presentation: Online video is expected to be recorded, edited and presented in a professional manner. Video must be presented/hosted on an organization’s website, and not solely on a site provided by a third-party (i.e. YouTube, Vimio, Facebook, etc.).

Online Video Sites: Organizations who regularly post video to online video sites (i.e. YouTube, Vimio, etc.) may not include advertising with video gathered as a result of media access. Allowing users to embed these videos is not permitted, and the description of any video must include a link to ussoccer.com.

Appendix III: Non-Rights Holder Audio Guidelines

Radio Broadcasters

Play-by-Play Accounts: Play-by-play accounts are forbidden by non-rights holders at any time.

Non-Game Audio: Any online audio recorded as part of media access is limited to the use of eight (8) minutes per day/activity date. Audio posted on radio broadcaster websites must comply with Online Guidelines below.


Non-Game Audio: Any audio recorded as part of media access is limited to the use of eight (8) minutes per day/activity date. Online audio may not incorporate integrated advertising and must be accompanied by links to ussoccer.com.

Appendix III: Live Written Updates

All Media

Online or text reports (i.e., live blogs, Twitter, etc.) concerning U.S. Soccer games while they are in progress (“Live Written Updates”) are subject to the following:

— Live updates may not use any audio, video or graphic simulations of U.S. Soccer games.
— Live updates must provide television and radio broadcast information for that U.S. Soccer Game. For example: "Tonight's U.S. Soccer game is being broadcast live on (name of television/radio station)."
— All live updates must be free of charge

Note: This policy does not prohibit the posting of the facts of a game (i.e., goals scored, cards given, game score and time remaining).